Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question One - Montage Editing

My media product again uses and develops the forms and conventions of real media products as well as following the conventions of the Drum and Bass genre. In my music video I have used a lot of montage editing which is common in Drum and Bass videos. The emphasis of montage editing can be seen clearly when the beat in the song finally drops and the tempo becomes very fast. In order for my work to be effective through the video, the clips would have to consistently change on the beat and so montage editing would fit this best. Montage editing allows the audience watching to look for the deeper meanings through the editing and formulate ideas from why this editing type was used. In my case montage editing was used to suggest the hectic, vibrant and fast paced life that people may lead, mainly appealing to a younger teenage audience. This can be seen in my video through the teenage actors in the video, the use of drugs and the setting of the video which is in a forest and industrial type area. Other music videos that I have studied that also use montage editing similar to this is the Pendulum “Granite” video which the clips speed up a lot as the music drop and tempo is raised.

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