Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question - Ancillary

My media products have followed the forms and conventions of real media products through the various different colours themes used. My ancillary task work consists mainly of dark bold colours such as reds, greys and black suggesting an urban style of genre, as you can see from the screenshots of my music video below which coincide with my ancillary work. This is using the conventions of real media products as the bands I have studied including Pendulum, have also used similar colour schemes. For example the front cover of my DVD work has the title of my band South of the Drop in bold red, with a black highlight around it to make it stand out, as well as similar types of colour such as reds and yellows throughout the rest of my work. This is beneficial to my work as it is a common colour theme in the Drum and Bass genre to make the work seem urban and gritty, allowing my work to be considered a Drum and Bass genre as well. Another way that my work has followed the conventions of real media products is through locations and styles. My band image is set mainly outdoors, for example the front cover of my DVD work is a picture of a sounds system and turntable out on the grass in front of a locked metal gate. This again emphasises the genre of Drum and Bass as being urban and also uses the conventions of other media works; for example The Prodigy’s video “Warrior’s Dance” is based pretty much out on the streets for the whole video, as well as Enter Shikari’s video “Juggernauts” which is based out in the desert. This emphasises the natural feel that these well known videos create and so I wanted to create this feeling in my video. Therefore for the most part of my music video it was set outside, within lots of greenery and forestry to emphasise the natural style.


  1. This is a good post but you could further develop your analysis.JIN

  2. More detail on generic conventions clear. JIN
