Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question Four - Video Camera

One of the most important media technologies that I have used in the process of creating my media products is the Video camera. It played a very important role as I would need this to be able to record the footage and film that I needed to create my music video. As well as the importance of the Video camera itself, it was also vitally important that I understood how to use it to make the most of the opportunity that I had to film the best possible shots. I also used the video camera along with the Tripod which allowed me to produce some even more professional and effective shots for my music video as my shots would be steady and effective from a variety of angles such as low, high and tilted. Another accessory that I used along with the video camera is a tool similar to the Tripod called a “Fig Rig”. This does the same job as a tripod as it attaches to the video camera, however it fixes onto the middle of the Fig Rig and there is a circle around the outside where you can hold it. This allows you to keep your shots steady while holding it and moving around with it like a point of view shot. Overall the media technology of the camera played a very important role in the creation of my media product as, along with the tripod and fig rig, gave me lots of opportunities to create effective pieces of work.

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