Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question Four - Blogger

Another important piece of media technology that I used in the construction as well as the research and planning stages of my media product was the blogging website blogger. While creating my media products, including both the Ancillary tasks and the Music video, I would blog after I had worked and made changes to the product and describe this on my blog in detail. For example I would explain the progress I had made that day on my work and record what I thought was successful. However my blogs were not just pieces of text being recorded, I also incorporated images and videos of my work to add more depth to the blog. The images that I would add to my blog would include screenshots of the DVD covers, front, back and the inside, to show the progress I have been making and what I have added. As well as blogging what I had currently been working on, I also blogged the progress of my ancillary tasks from the very beginning as I uploaded pictures of my hand drawing drafts of my ancillary tasks in colour. Therefore you can now see the contrast between what my ancillary tasks looked like from the very first ideas I had to the final creation in Adobe Photoshop. As well as blogging about my ancillary tasks I have also blogged about my other media product, the Music Video. Again, rather than blogging with text about what I had improved and changed each time, which I always did, I also added videos of different bands of a similar genre, such as Pendulum and their video for the song Granite.

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