Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question Four - Final Cut

Another piece of media technology that I used was Final Cut. This is an industry standard piece of software that is used by professionals and I used it to help make my Music Video as effective as possible. I began to import the footage of my film into Final Cut and started putting the film into order. To make the film effective I had to make sure the clips played to the beat of the music. At the start of our song the tempo is very slow and when the beat drops and the tempo rises, it was quite difficult to keep the clips changing to the beat of the music. I had to make sure there was enough footage so that the same clips weren’t being used all the time and that the tempo of the clips stayed the same as the beat. There were also a lot of effects that were used and the most effective one I think was a TV style screen where it makes the shot seem like it was recorded on a camera or a news television channel.

Below is a shot of the sequence bar where we arranged the music and video clips.


  1. You must have screen grabs/shots here in the evaluation to illustrate your work! JIN

  2. Visual Material included.JIN

  3. James, You've covered all areas in a lot of depth, and share with us in detail your process. Your research and planning material shows excellence in its organisation of your package, however Institutional issues could be further investigated. Your evaluation shows excellence understanding in the key areas, in particular you discuss in detail your decision making process regarding your video in response to your audience feedback. Your ancillary task planning is detailed and although its execution could be further developed I know you worked hard at mastering Photoshop. JIN
