Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ancillary Tasks

Now that I have finished my ancillary tasks I have reviewed the stages and methods that i used to create the tasks; which included the DVD Front and back, and inside cover. Using Photoshop I measured out the exact size of a general dvd case both inside, front and back and began working on the tasks. As well as this i chose a certain font off of a font website called It was easily accessible and downloadable and I thought it was suitable for my genre of drum and bass.
I learnt how to use many different tools while working with photoshop. As i had never used it before everything was new to me, however i quickly got to grips with how it worked and used many different tools to try and make my work look effective. I used many different layers. If you want to see certain pictures/writing then that layer must be on top of everything else so that it overlaps the other layers. I also used tools such as the burn tool, sponge tool, colour tint, eraser, magic wand, contrast, exposure, text, brightness, copy and paste, re-sizing, rotating and free transform. All these tools and effects allowed me to create my work.