Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ancillary Tasks

Now that I have finished my ancillary tasks I have reviewed the stages and methods that i used to create the tasks; which included the DVD Front and back, and inside cover. Using Photoshop I measured out the exact size of a general dvd case both inside, front and back and began working on the tasks. As well as this i chose a certain font off of a font website called It was easily accessible and downloadable and I thought it was suitable for my genre of drum and bass.
I learnt how to use many different tools while working with photoshop. As i had never used it before everything was new to me, however i quickly got to grips with how it worked and used many different tools to try and make my work look effective. I used many different layers. If you want to see certain pictures/writing then that layer must be on top of everything else so that it overlaps the other layers. I also used tools such as the burn tool, sponge tool, colour tint, eraser, magic wand, contrast, exposure, text, brightness, copy and paste, re-sizing, rotating and free transform. All these tools and effects allowed me to create my work.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Todays Work

Today i carried on with my ancillary tasks. I decided to add the finishing touches to my dvd front and back cover. I decided to add a background to the back cover and on the front cover I have removed the two speakers and have expanded the picture of the the DJ decks as i feel my front cover seemed a bit crammed. With this I have now cleared the middle of the Decks and have covered it with a black circle in which I have wrote the name of the band as if it was their song playing on the decks. I feel this simply was more effective rather than having lots of pictures crammed together. I also used the burn tool to give the title a worn and burnt look as it is on the gates on my front cover. Trying to make the title look more worn and burnt i think will make it more effective as it emphasises that it is outside and urban which helps to suit my genre.

Therefore I now need to sort out the backgrounds for the other pieces of works and as well complete the magazine advert.

Monday 11 January 2010

Ancillary Tasks

Today i carried on working on my ancillary tasks. As I have now finished the majority of the Front cover and back cover and the inside cover, I decided to add backgrounds to them. I therefore played around with the layers and fills to use effects. I used a radial effect with a silver coloured background that gives the work a better density and brings out the other colours and pictures on the work.

I now need to finish the backgrounds and then complete the magazine advert. Tommorow i should be able to finish the background of the Front, back and inside covers and be close to finishing the magazine advert.

I have learnt from the conventions of posters of other bands that I have researched, about how to make my work effective as well. As you can see from the picture of the band I have researched, Pendulum, they have used bold red and black colours which I have also tried to implement in my Ancillary work. I think this is effective as it emphasises the band members as they are bold and projected.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Friday 8th Jan - Magazine Advert

Today I carried on working on the final piece left of my ancillary tasks. I began working on my Magazine Advert first by creating the title of the band. This is tilted slightly to the left and is in the middle of the page in a red font. Then I added the name of the Album next to it in a bubble as well as extra details at the bottom, including the release date and that it will be available on blue ray and downloadable on iTunes. I know need to add finishing touches to it to be able to complete it. I need to add the picture of DJ Decks and a Speaker, ratings from other magazines and colour.

Friday 8 January 2010

DVD Front Cover, Back Cover and Inside Cover

Yesterday we continued working on our ancillary tasks. I have now completed the DVD front cover, back cover and yesterday finally finished the inside cover. I finished off the inside DVD cover by adding two photos to it, a speaker and DJ Decks. Yesterday in the lesson, as well as finishing the front back and inside, we looked over the mark scheme to see how good we thought our work was and what we could do to improve it. I feel that I was a high level two/low level three and that I needed to work more on my image manipulation and genre for the audience.

I now need to complete the magazine advert which i have just started yesterday and have until next friday the 15th to complete it which should be more than enough time.