Tuesday 15 December 2009

DVD Front Cover

Today I imported the rest of the photos that I had taken to use on my DVD cover in Photoshop. I had taken pictures of a guitar, speakers, a musical note and DJ Decks. Once i had imported them I put them in the correct place. The speakers and the DJ Decks went on the front page and are on top of the picture of the grass. I had adjusted the saturation and shadow of them to make them slightly darker so that they blend in better with the grass and so looks more believable and realistic. I then used the rest of my pictures on the back of the front cover and placed the guitar, decks, drumsticks, note and speakers around the tracklisting which was written in different contrasting colours. As well as this i have imported the DVD logo on the front of the cover with the record label "Sony BMG entertainment" logo. Also on the back i have added the barcode to add to the realism.

Monday 14 December 2009

Inside DVD Cover

Today I carried on working on the inside of my DVD cover on Photoshop. I began importing the first lot of my photos that I had taken to use in my work. These pictures were of a gate, grass and of trees to use as the surroundings.I then arranged them on the front page and wrote the title of the band "South of the Drop" accross the picture of the gate that i had taken. I began using a tool that allows me to delete anything unnecessary around the picture, such as the background of the picture, so that I can use the best part of the image. I then managed to nearly finish the front page of the inside of my DVD cover and just need to import the rest of my photos tommorow.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Friday 11th Dec - Coursework

Today i managed to choose a suitable font that would look good for the title of the band. I am now close to finishing the inside cover of the DVD as i have done the title which is written from corner to corner across the page, the circle for the DVD and the stars that are going around the outside of the page. All i need to do now is to take some pictures for the two things on the inside cover, and then the pictures for the rest of my work and then i will be able to complete the dvd front cover and magazine advert by Friday the 18th December.

Friday 11 December 2009


Yesterday i managed to get quite a lot of work done in progressing in my DVD front cover. I am learning more about using photoshop as well as becoming more confident with the program. Yesterday on photoshop i had created the circle of where the DVD disk will go and the title for the inside of the the DVD cover that goes across the page from corner to corner. With this i began finding the logo's for the DVD sign and the logo for PAL. I found these and have now put them on my DVD cover in the bottom corner of the page. Next i need to sort out the backgrounds for my DVD cover and then start adding some of my pictures to the DVD cover.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Progression So Far

I have now completed the drafts of my coursework tasks on paper and they have been coloured in. I have also scanned them and uploaded them to my blog as well as analysing them. Next I have to begin creating then drafts for real on photoshop and so far I have created the blank canvases for each of the pieces of coursework. I have measured them out on photoshop so soon I will be able to add my photo's that I have taken to the photoshop and begin editing with effects.

Monday 7 December 2009

Magazine Advert Poster

The Magazine Advert is also quite simple in its colours but I think its quite effective. The title of the band is sideways accross the muiddle of the page in red and black, with rating reviews from real music magazines at the top of the poster. There are yellow/gold starts around the title of the band which helps it to stand out. The name of the album is next to the band name with a gold disfigured star around it to also make it stand out. Again there is a picture of DJ decks and a speaker which are red. There is writing below the title of the band which says "Including the smash hit Tarantula out December the 11th" in gold graffiti style writing.

DVD Inside Cover

The Inside cover of the DVD booklet is very simple compared to the poster and the front cover. The title of the band is wrote diagonally from the bottom left hand corner across to the top right hand corner. With this on the right hand side i have drawn the outline of where the CD will go which is coloured in red as well. Then on the left hand side I have a picture of the DJ decks and a speaker which also has the re-occuring colour of red.

DVD Front Cover

I created my DVD front cover with the intentions of using elements of our music video. I used bold colours including red that features in all of my work. In our film there is a lot of forest type shots with greenery and trees and i have managed to incorperate this into my work. The front cover has the fence from the film and also the trees either side of the band that are featured at the front of the cover. Also there is a moon in the sky that is creating a red spotlight on the main singer which i will create in photoshop. On the back of the front cover I have made the tracklistings fit all in a box that starts in one corner and goes around the edge. These are all in different colours and also there are pictures of instruments and objects that relate to the music video and the front of the front Cover.

Next Part of Coursework - Ancillary Tasks

We have now finished the main coursework task of creating a Music Video. We have finished the filming and editing and have added the finishing touches. We now have to create Ancillary tasks which include creating a DVD front and back cover for the promotion of the music video as well as an advertising poster.

I have now finished the drafts of the DVD front and back cover and also the magazine advert poster.