Wednesday 7 October 2009

Filming - Wednesday 7th - Afterschool

After a successful filming session during todays lesson, we also planned to film most of, or all of, our band section afterschool. We used our school's large drama room PDH which has a make-shift stage with stairs either side. We arrived at PDH and brought 4 cameras and 4 tapes with us so that we could leave the cameras filming constantly but from different angles. We also used a tool called the Fig Rig which we can put the camera on like a tripod and carry around to get mobile shots.

We set up all of the cameras and the Fig Rig with a camera and prepared to film. Georgina was working the lights for effect while filming, while me and Andy were acting as musicians in the film. I was playing the drums and Andy was on the Bass guitar while also singing. The main lights were dimmed and we decided to have a slight red and white lights showing while also having flashing lights, especially when the tempo of the music increased.

We managed to get quite a lot of footage on four different tapes as well as the camera on the Fig Rig and was a very successful filming session. After seeing the footage afterwards, in the room where we filmed there were stairs either side of the stage. We have now decided to have two guitarists instead of one and have them walking down the stairs either side at the beginning of the song, and then have a seperate singer.

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