Monday 9 November 2009

Re-Filming - Wednesday 4th

Today we re-filmed our band sequence which was also the last piece of filming we needed to do. We arranged to meet up afterschool on wednesday the 4th of november in the drama room PDH. This room is very useful for our band sequence as it is like a make shift stage which gives a similar effect of a live performance.

We filmed with the Fig Rig and the standard tripod. We filmed myself on my own playing the drums, then John on his own playing the guitar and then Andy on his own playing the bass guitar. Once we had footage of each of us playing on our own we then filmed some of us playing as a band. Also we filmed the two guitarists John and Andy coming down the stairs either side of the stage and walking down, to be used at the start of the song, as if it was the start of a performance.

Today's filming was very effective as we managed to get a lot of footage recorded from a variety of angles and with effective lighting. As I said before we have now finished all of our filming and for the last week before the deadline we can now focus completely on editing our footage and adding effects to it to make it look just like a professional music video.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Today's work and Overall Progression

Today me and my group did a lot of hard work editing our footage. I did quite a bit of editing of the DJ section of the film, mainly of the decks and generally cutting up and sorting out our footage. So far we are progressing very well with our editing and are on track to be finished in good time. Apart from editing, we just need to re-film our band section which we should be doing tommorow (4th November) after school and then that just needs organising and editing. Once this is completed we will be ready to put the finshing touches to our music video.

Monday 2 November 2009


When we re-film the band sequence, i am going to bring in a set of real drumsticks to use on the drums. At the moment, the band sequence we filmed was with a different set of sticks that looked ok but the real drumsticks would be much better. We should be re-filming this sequence sometime this week once our group has decided a date when we have gone back to school on the 3rd of November.


Unfortunatly we have not been able to film over the school half term. This was because we had already filmed the outdoor sequences, which we did first, and the rest of the filming that is left to do is of the band sequence which we need a room at school called PDH for. This room is a large sized drama room with lighting controls that make it seem like a stage for a concert or performance. This is very useful to us when filming this band sequence as it makes it very realistic and seem like it is a real stage and live performance. However we were not able to film in this room over half term and so we will need to book it for our use as soon as we are back to school on the 3rd of November.

Before the half term we also did a lot of editing and have the majority of it done. We now just need to re-film this band sequence and then we can begin editing it and then put the complete sequence together.